The simplest of man’s needs is shelter.

Creating luxury home designs, open floor plans or office space planning, house floor plans, floor plans, shelter


My philosophy of creating floor plans, luxury home designs, open floor plans or office space planning requires an understanding of the definition of shelter. Shelter is one of mankind’s most basic needs and has been bestowed many descriptions i.e. abode, house, place, closet hideaway, lair, castle, fort, shed, windbreak.  Each of these descriptions has a single goal which is to provide or compliment man in his quest to live a healthy, productive, gratifying life.

Imagine Absolute is here to help you with your quest to fulfill your dream of a full, gratifying life and at Imagine Absolute, your dream is important to us. In order to begin to achieve that dream, we must think wholly and completely.  Imagine Absolute will guide you through a process which will enable you to reach satisfying end results that will gratify your desires for the project.

My core belief is that the simplest of things are the most powerful.  For your project to be powerful it must be purposeful. I will help you find that purpose and reach your goal by breaking down the concept to its bare, organic form.  Once the simplicity of form is identified, then we can begin to understand.  Or, as Albert Einstein once said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” This is where I begin in aiding you to realize your goals.

Your dreams represent the essence of who you are; how you choose to live and work. By answering a series of critical questions, we can begin to realize all of the possibilities and opportunities available to us for fulfilling your dream. To make it a reality, we work through a process of observation, investigation and analysis. Sometimes we find that realities can compromise your vision.  So we embrace those realities or obstacles, learn from and incorporate them into the dream so it functions in its own beauty. When we understand the importance of your dream, we can attain it completely and artfully.

Larry Leslie

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